So, by now you're thinking to yourself, "Devin you are the most hypocritical hypocrite that ever hypocrited." Or something like that. And you know what? You're totally right!! I won't even try to deny it. I guess the real reason I decided to jump on the Blog Bandwagon is that I am forever trying to find ways to stay in touch with the people I care about who are geographically distant from me. These days, most of the people I care about are geographically distant from me, and I just figured I'd provide one more opportunity for my loved ones to keep up with the happenings of my life.
If you know me (which I hope you do because I would really be concerned if you are reading my blog and don't know me... or Abby) then you know that I think having my loved ones far away from me is the emotional equivalent of waking up every morning and smacking my head on a wall; disconcerting and painful.
Mostly what I feel like writing in this teeny little box is "I miss you." Particularly, I would address this to Abba herself and to Peter. Of course, this is somewhat unnecessary because both Peter and Abby hear from me on a daily basis that I do, in fact, miss them. They probably hear it a little too much, and I'm sorry. I guess what I don't say often enough is that I am so thankful for the people I love and I will gladly put up with missing you if it means I get to still keep you around.
Then my thoughts turn to the future (my mom, abby and peter are likely all screaming "DON'T GO THERE DEVIN! FOCUS ON NOW!) and I think gee, I don't want to have a future where I have to miss anyone. And let me tell you, I have spent hours (mostly early in the morning when I can't fall asleep) trying to think of a way to put everyone I love in one place, and you know what? It just isn't going to happen... unless you would all agree to move somewhere with me.... !?!?! So, I am trying to make peace with the fact that I can't have everyone I love all at one time in one place. But let me tell you, brother, it ain't easy.
I know I am rambling now, but I have a point. Kind of. It's times like now when I have just gotten to spend time with people I care about and now they are all far away again when I feel really down in the dumps. All my long distance loves are back where they need to be right now and I stay here and wish I could be with them. But I am also happy. I am happy I get to be with my family, I am happy I get to have some wonderful non-long-distance friends, and I am happy I have such wonderful people to miss.

So that's it, bloggy world. I just poured my guts out to you. I don't know if that is even interesting for anyone to read, but you know what? It's my public diary, and I'll cry if I want to.
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