Anyhow. It's about halfway through January so it's about time I do my 2011 summary, as if any of you actually care about what happened during 2011. But if you do, or you're bored, read on...
January: You know, this was so long ago, I don't even remember anything that happened. I'm guessing I was cold.
February: I started hanging out with some new Concordia natives, and let me just tell you, it was one of the best things that happened to me during 2011. These people are hilarious and supportive and they let me invade their group of friends and settle in as if I had been there for a long time. Basically, I'm eternally grateful that they didn't judge me for being an outsider and accepted me even when I'm sure I scared them with my frightening personality.
March: Girls' reunion in Chicago! At least I think this happened in March. It was awesome to get back together with gals from Valpo and shop and talk and eat and drink and do everything that you do when you're with your best friends. Plus it numbed that not-in-college-anymore pain for a couple of days.
April: Hmm... let's see. April. I got nothing, to be honest.
May: Finally! A month I can remember! My 23rd birthday occurred during this blessed month. At work, we got started on the biggest project I've been involved in so far - three giant mosaic sculptures for a prayer garden. Not that I was so much a part of the fabrication, but it pretty much consumed my entire summer in one way or another.
June: Now June I DO remember. Probably because it was the most hectic month of 2011. I entertained my innermost hippie and spent four days covered in dirt at Bonnaroo (best. week. ever.) And then, because apparently I really love driving in a car, I drove back from Tennessee to Nebraska and hopped back in the car on the same day to drive to California. If you're considering driving from Tennessee to Nebraska to California in a 48 hour stretch, here's my advice: Don't. Just buck up the cash and fly. Or at least realize that if you try to do this in 48 hours, you will inevitably end up hating everyone around you regardless of whether you know them or not. At any rate, the CA trip went well (work-related, so there's only so much fun you can have) and June closed out with a rather exhausted Abby.
July: The month of weddings! Three to go to, two for which I sang. I really love weddings and these were no exception. Weddings are the perfect excuse for catching up with old friends, drinking to your heart's content and, of course, dancing. I just love to dance, even though I know I probably look like a moron.
August: Well, August was kind of a bummer as I started to say goodbye to all the new people I had met in the winter. I guess I can't blame them for getting real jobs in the real world that are not in Seward. But it was still sad and life in Nebraska started feeling a lot quieter again.
September/October/November: I'm bunching these together for several reasons. A) They sort of blurred together for me. B) I basically did the same thing the entire fall: work, coach volleyball, take an art history class at UNL, think about applying to grad school, entertain myself by watching reality TV on Friday nights. C) I'm sorta hungry and I want to wrap this up quickly.
December: And we're already at the end of the year! Whew! How did that happen? Maybe because I combined three months into one! Magic. Anyhow, the first half of December was marked by my frantic (yet ultimately successful!) attempt to submit my grad school apps and write my art history research paper while still working and getting a little Christmas shopping done. The second half of the month was much more lovely, with the return of those dear to me lost to the tundra of North Dakota and the merriment of family and Christmas cheer. And finally, the year 2011 ended on a high note, as I spent New Years with my best friend in the world and co-blogger, Deva (along with a few notable others).
So all in all, not much to complain about. Certainly 2011 was far superior to 2010. I'm hoping 2012 is even better, and I have a little inkling that it just might be. So cheers to your 2012. May it be exciting, happy, and full of sparlke, sparkle.